
Prof. Dr. Harald Husemann
Neuer Graben 40
49069 Osnabrück
Raum: 41/E06
Tel.: +49 541 969-4258 oder 6203
E-Mail: husemann@uni-osnabrueck.de
Sprechzeiten: Fr 8-10
Wintersemester 2024/25
Sommersemester 2024
neue Kategorie
Inhalt der Kategorie
Since 1974 Professor of English Literature and British Cultural Studies at Osnabrück University, Germany.
1958 - 1966
Student of English, History (majors), Philosophy, Education (subsidiaries) at the universities of Kiel (Germany), Hull (GB)
BA special honours, Hull University
Staatsexamen (English, History) at Kiel University
1964, 1965, 1966 (June to October)
Director of International Summer Schools for English Language, Literature, History run by the English National Union of Students
1966 - 1970
Research assistant to Prof. Dr. K. D. Erdmann Historian at Kiel University) in his capacity as chairman of "Deutscher Bildungsrat" (Federal Advisory Committee on the Reorganization of Secondary Education in Germany)
Ph. D. in History, Kiel University. Doctoral dissertation: Britain's Military and Political Position in the Commonwealth and in the Western Alliance Since 1945
1970 - 1971
Research assistant and lecturer in English Literature and English Studies in the Department of English and American Literature, Kiel University
1971 - 1972
Leverhulme European Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of History, Keele University, GB. Lectures on post-war German history; research into Anglo-German relations in higher education
1972 - 1974
Lecturer in English Literature, English Studies in the Department of English and American Literature, Kiel University
Since 1974
Professor of English Literature, British Cultural Studies at Osnabrück University, Germany
Febr. - May 1981
Visiting Professor at Université Catholique de l'Ouest, Angers, France. Lectures and seminars in English Literature and in German Studies
May 1982
Visiting Professor at Université d'Angers (State University). Lectures in English Studies and German Studies
Febr. - March 1986
Honorary Visiting Fellow in European Studies in the Institute of European Studies Hull University, GB. Comparative lectures and seminars in English and German Studies
Jan. - May 1987
Visiting Fulbright Professor at University of Evansville and University of Southern Indiana, both in Evansville, Ind., USA. Lectures and seminars in German Studies
Febr. - March 1990
Visiting Professor at Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas. Exchange programme sponsored by State of Lower Saxony, Germany. Lectures on German reunification
February 1993
Visiting Tempus Professor at Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, Hungary. Lectures and seminars on Contemporary English Novel, English Studies, German Studies
Sept. - Dec. 1993
Visiting Professor at State University of New York,Oswego, USA. Lectures and seminars on German Cultural Studies. Establishment of an exchange programme
February 1994
Visiting Professor (sponsored by World Bank) at Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, Hungary. Lectures and staff seminar on British Studies
Febr. - March 1995
Visiting Professor at Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas. Exchange programme sponsored by State of Lower Saxony, Germany.Lectures and seminars on German Cultural Studies and Current events.
Febr. - March 1997
Visiting Professor at University of Izmir, Turkey. Lectures, seminars on Cultural Studies in English Department and German Department
Sept. - Oct. 1997
Staff training; Cultural Studies at Lwak Girls' High School, Nyilima, via Kusumu, Kenya.
Nov. - Dec. 2004
Visit to J. Nehru University, N. Delhi, India.
Resulted in university partnership agreement in 2005 for exchange of staff and students, reseach cooperation.
February - March 2006
Visit to Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NNMU), Port Elizabeth, S. Africa resulted in university partnership agreement for cooperation in research, exchange of staff and students.
February - March 2007
Work experience with Osnabrück student teachers(in cooperation with NNMU) in Walmer Township, Port Elizabeth, S.Africa.
October - December 2007
Visiting Professor/SES Expert at Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan: Department of Education, English Department.
October - December 2008
Visiting Professor/SES Expert at Islamia University, Bahawalpur,
Pakistan: Department of Education, English Department.
February - April 2009
Visiting Professor at J. Nehru University, New Delhi, India: German Department, English Department.
February- March 2010
Visiting Professor/SES Expert at Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan: Education Department, Department of English.
September - October 2011
Visiting Professor/SES Expert at Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan: Education Department, Department of English.
February - March 2012
Visiting Professor at Doon University, Dehradun, India: Department of German, Department of English.
August - September 2013
Visiting Professor at Doon University, Dehradun, India: Department of German.
February - March 2014
Visiting Professor at Doon University, Dehradun, India, Department of German.
February - March 2015
Visiting Professor at Doon University, Dehradun, India: Department of Geman.
2003: Retired
Continues teaching seminars on topics in English Literature/Cultural Studies
Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Forschung
Teaching interests:
- English novel
- British cultures in fact and fiction
- national stereotypes and prejudices
- political cartoons and national stereotypes and prejudices
- cultural/intercultural competence and communication.
- national stereotypes and prejudices: theories, facts, fiction
- Anglo-German relations in media, fiction, cartoons
- thematic approach to political cartoons
- several times Chairman of Department/Fachsprecher,
- Initiator of university partnerships for staff/student exchanges: Hull, Keele, Southampton, North London, Derby (UK); State University of New York-Oswego, Evansville, Ind. University of South Florida - Tampa (USA); J. Nehru University, N. Delhi (India); Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, (S.Africa).
- Initiator/Chairman of Fritz-Wolf-Foundation (jointly sponsored by Osnabrück City and University): Depository of all original cartoons by Fritz Wolf (1918-2001) and ANGELICA (Anglo-German Library for Cartoon Studies): Archive of cartoons on Anglo-German relations, 1945 - present.
- Coping with the Relations. Anglo-German cartoons from the Fifties to the Nineties (1993), London, Bonn. Toured Britain and Germany.
- Blairing Britain Towards Europe (1999). Toured Germany.
- A Common Cause - Our Environment (1999). London, Bonn. Toured Britain and Germany.
- Elective Affinities: US Presidential Campaigns 1976 - 2000. (2000). Washington.
- Gaumenfreuden (2002). Osnabrück.
- Fritz Wolf: Parties and Politicians (2003). Berlin, Brussels [2005].
Co-editor of series "Europäische Bildung im Dialog",(Frankfurt, Berlin: Peter Lang) (10th vol. in 2007).
(Ed.) Gaumenfreuden. (Osnabrück: Secolo, 2002).
(Ed.) Blairing Britain Towards Europe. British and German Cartoons on T. Blair. (Osnabrück: 2001).
(Ed.) A Common Cause - Our Environment. Unsere Umwelt - eine gemeinsame Sache. (Osnabrück: Secolo, 1999).
(Ed.), Anglo-German Attitudes, (Aldershot, Hong Kong: Avebury, 1995).
(Ed.) Coping with the Relations. Anglo-German Cartoons from the Fifties to the Nineties, (Osnabrück: Secolo, 1993; 3/1995).
(Ed.) As Other See Us: Anglo-German Perceptions. (Frankfurt, Bern: P. Lang, 1994).
As Others See Us. Teacher's Book, (Paderborn: Schöningh, 1987).
(Ed.) As Others See Us. The Presentation of Germany and the Germans in England, (Paderborn: Schöningh, 1984).
"Wird Großbritannien nach Europe "geblairt"?", in: J.-C. Gardes, U. Koch (Hrsg.): Ridiculosa - Das Lachen der Völker, 7. Jg. (2000), 245-263.
"Cartooning the Krauts", Der Fremdsprachenliche Unterricht - Englisch, 34. Jg. H. 43 (Jan. 2000), 34-37.
"Landeskundlicher Unterricht mit Politischen Karrikaturen", in Jung, U.O. (Hrsg.): Praktische Handreichungen für Fremdsprachenlehrer. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 32001, 365-371.
"The Colditz Industry", in: Barfoot, C.C. (Hrsg.): Beyond Pug's Tour. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1997, 367-392.
"Laughing all the Way to the Euro Bank. Euro-Cartoons, Euro-Myths and British Apprehensions of German Domination". In : Hard Times, 61 (Herbst/Winter 1997), pp. 34-39.
"Sour Krauts Wrapped in English Newspapers", Anglistentag 1994, Graz-Proceedings, vol. 16 (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995) pp. 577-592.
"The Colditz Industry" [summary], in: Goethe-Institut, London, Anglo-German Attitudes - How Do We See Each Other? (London: Goethe-Institut, 1992), pp. 19-22.
"Dr. Seltsam: Oder wie ich lernte, das Stereotyp zu lieben", Timm, J.-P., Vollmer, H.J. Hrsgg.): Kontroversen in der Fremdsprachenforschung. Dokumentation des 14. Kongresses für Fremdsprachendidaktik, Essen, 7.-9.10.1991. (Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1993), 385-399.
"Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Came to Love the Stereotype" in: Gerhard Bergmann (Hg.): USA Studies, Beiträge zur Landeskunde (M. Luther Universität Halle-Wittemberg 1992), pp. 52-72.
"Skeletons in Their Cupboards: The Image of Germany in Post-War English Novels", Claus Uhlig, Rüdiger Zimmermann, (eds.), Anglistentag 1990 Marburg, Proceedings, (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1991), pp. 519-539.
"Stereotypes in Landeskunde - Shall We Join Them If We Cannot Beat Them?", Lothar Bredela (ed.), Mediating A Foreign Culture. The United States And Germany, (Tübingen: Narr, 1991), pp. 16-35.
"Stereotypen in der Landeskunde: Mit ihnen leben, wenn wir sie nicht widerlegen können?", Neusprachliche Mitteilungen, 43. Jg. H. 2, (Mai 1990), pp. 89-98.
"The Language of Prejudice; The Prejudice of Language", Neusprachliche Mitteilungen, 41. Jg. H. 4, (Nov. 1988), pp. 237-241; 42. Jg. H. 1, (Feb. 1989), pp. 43-45.
"When William Came; If Adolf Had Come", Anglistik und Englischunterricht: Images of Germany 29/30 (1986), pp. 57-83.
"Zu den deutsch-englischen Universitätsbeziehungen während der letzten hundert Jahre". H. Boockmann et al., eds. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift für K. D. Erdmann, (Neumünster: Wachtholz, 1978), pp. 459-490.
"Anglo-German Relations in Higher Education", in Arthur Hearnden, ed. The British in Germany. (London, 1978), pp. 158-171.