Norms and Creativity
DozentIn: Lara Höttecke, M.Ed.
Veranstaltungstyp: Seminar
Ort: 15/113
Zeiten: Di. 10:00 - 12:00 (wöchentlich)
Beschreibung: In this course, we will explore and learn to critically reflect what form norms can take and how we deal with them in our daily lives. We will look at standardization and how Standard English actually came about, what role it should play in the EFL classroom and how people are trying to “save” the English language. In the second part of the seminar, we will find out how linguistic rules can be stretched, what we can call “linguistically creative” and how we can study norms and creativity empirically.
Students in this course are required to actively engage in the classroom discussions and be open to reading research literature and revising their attitudes and beliefs about language.