Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies [TUE2]
DozentIn: Jatin Wagle
Veranstaltungstyp: Seminar
Ort: 41/E08
Zeiten: Di. 16:00 - 18:00 (wöchentlich)
Beschreibung: This introductory course is one of the components of the ANG-B-LK or ANG-B1-Module and has been designed for first year bachelor’s students in English and American Studies.
Students who successfully participate in this course, i.e. prepare for the class and complete the reading and writing assignments, attend the class regularly, and take part in class discussions will be able to:
• Use the MLA stylesheet for scholarly writings.
• Find relevant secondary literature in the library and online.
• Write a brief analysis of a literary text that puts forth a coherent argument.
• Analyze a variety of cultural texts by using basic concepts from semiotics and discourse analysis.
• Apply basic tools of narratology to better understand narrative texts.
• Explain how literary theory helps us to analyze literature and provide examples.
• Understand and explain what culture is and what makes it powerful.
Furthermore, students will have practiced
• Critical thinking skills.
• Working in small teams.
• Oral presentations and feedback.
• Independent time management.
• Forming an opinion and arguing for it.
Readings will be made available online on Stud.IP.
This is an American Studies course and shares requirements and guidelines with all other American Studies courses taught at IfAA. The "American Studies Tool Kit" in the Stud.IP Documents section outlines these requirements and guidelines. Please see the “Guidelines for Seminar Papers” for information on the formal requirements for the final paper and “How to Write a Draft Introduction” for the specific requirements for the draft introduction. The “Grading Rubric” is used in the feedback process and will enable you to better judge your own paper even before you hand it in.