
Dr. phil. Meike Pentrel, M.A.
Neuer Graben 40
49069 Osnabrück
Raum: 41/122
Tel.: +49 541 969-4027
E-Mail: mpentrel@uni-osnabrueck.de
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Wintersemester 2024/25
Sommersemester 2024
2023 Lehmann, C., & Pentrel, M. (2023). Multimodal-ish: Prosodic and kinesic aspects of bounded and free uses of ish. Language and Cognition, 1-31. doi:10.1017/langcog.2023.13
(with Nikolaos Lavidas) "Introduction to thematic issue 'Fragments or ellipsis or both? New challenges and new perspectives'", in Acta Linguistics Hafniensia 52(2): 147-150.
“Connecting the present and the past: cognitive processing and the position of adverbial clauses in Samuel Pepys’s Diary” in Bergs, Alexander and Thomas Hoffmann (eds.). English Language and Linguistics 21.2, 263-282.
(with Alexander Bergs) “Ælc þara þe þas min word gehierþ and þa wyrcþ . . .: Psycholinguistic perspectives on early English” in Adams, Michael, Fulk R.D. und Laurel J. Brinton (eds.). Studies in the History of the English Language VI: Evidence and Method in Histories of English. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 249-276.
„Usage, Status, and Function of Stand-Alone Ish” in Ammermann, Anne, Brock, Alexander, Pflaeging, Jana und Peter Schildhauer (eds.). Facets of Linguistics. Proceedings of the 14th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle (Saale). Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Peter Lang, 47-59.
Conference Papers and Workshops
2019/8: "Gestures, facial expressions and body posture in CxG accounts of language: Core or periphery?" Workshop organisiert mit Claudia Lehmann (Universität Osnabrück), 51. Jahrestagung der Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2019), Leipzig
2017/9: “Approaches to fragments and ellipsis in spoken and written English”, Workshop organized with Nikolaos Lavidas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (7BICLCE), Vigo, Spanien
2017/9: “No offence: no ellipsis, no sentence. The sentential status of ‘No X, no Y’ constructions”, 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistics Europaea (SLE 2017), Zürich, Schweiz
2015/07: “Identifying discourse functions of adverbial clauses in historical texts”, 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL22), Napels, Italien
2014/08: “Cognitive Strategies and the Position of Conditional Clauses in EModE”, 3rd Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE3), Zürich, Schweiz
2014/07: “‘So that I do fear this account may yet be long ere it be passed...’: Cognitive Strategies and the Order of Temporal Adverbial Clauses in Early Modern English”, UK-CLC5, Lancaster, UK
2014/07: “Towards a Theory of Historical Psycholinguistics: The Position of Adverbial Clauses in Early Modern English”, ICEHL-18, Leuven, Belgien
2014/03: “Connecting the Present and the Past: Historical Psycholinguistics”, 15. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2014, Osnabrück
2013/03: "ISH – Oscillations in Derivational Morphology“, 14. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013, Halle (Saale)